Have you ever....

Ask the question...
Have you ever?

The next person would say whether they have or they have not...

Then they will ask Have you ever? and so on..

I'll begin -

Views: 435

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Have you ever traveled outside your own country?
Yes, but not for years.

Have you ever learned to play an instrument?
Yes, far too many to name!

Have you ever stayed up all night just to watch the sun rise?
yes and it was magical

Have you ever danced in the rain not worrying about getting wet?
twice when i was little and once last week

Have you ever wore something outrageous and not cared what people thought or said?
HYE been to a Twilight Con?
Yes, it was a blast!

Have you ever been sledding?
Yes! And I cannot wait for snow this year so we can go again!

Have you ever met any friends IRL from TCO?
Yeah I did try and learn trumpet and now I'm learning to play guitar. Have you ever wanted to do something but something was holding you back?
I wish! 

Have you ever dreamt about something and then the next day it came true?
Yes for a two times once in middle school, and twice during my senior year for a week I was on two different cruises
Have you ever been to a concert



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