Rules of Cullens Online

Don't be rude. No name-calling. No harassing or threatening other site members. The use of the Internet to harass an individual or group of individuals is ILLEGAL under the Cyberstalking Act. Harassing includes sending multiple emails or private messages to our family or site members.

Do not do anything that could subvert the role play. This site is intended to facilitate a role-play. Make sure your actions and words don't subvert the purpose of this role-play. Please don’t ruin the fun for everyone else.

3. KEEP IT PG-13
This site is intended for fans and role-players aged 13 and up, and as such we ask all members to use appropriate language and content. Appropriate language is defined at the discretion of the Admins. There is no sexual content whatsoever allowed on the site.

Spamming or similar behavior will not be tolerated. That includes sending multiple unsolicited emails, posting off-topic messages in the forums, excessive cross-posting, excessive chatting of the same word or phrase and/or similar behavior in chat.

Due to the amount of vampires that may be on site at any given time, and for your own safety, anyone who bleeds in chat without the permission of the coven will be temporarily banned for four hours.

You may not join the site as a vampire, shapeshifter, or other more-than-human character. If you would like to propose a non-canonical character, one that was not specifically created by Stephenie Meyers, please contact the HR Committee. Those vampires or other supernatural creatures who have not been approved will be suspended.

-No broken bones, sprains, or other injuries/trauma
-No Vomiting
-No Asking Carlisle for Medical help

-No Bleeding
-No Pregnancy (unless approved)
-No Mental Health complaints or threats
-No Medical Drama what so ever
-If you need physical or mental assistance, please consult a healthcare professional.

-We have ZERO tolerance policy on those who cry suicide. It will not be tolerated in any fashion, that includes Main Chat, your page, Private Chat, Twitter or other various outlets such as messenger services and email. If Admin are made aware that you have threatened suicide or are talking about it,  the authorities will be notified, and you will be suspended from the site.

8. Plagiarism 
After having our content taken and placed on other sites, we have been forced to enact this rule for the protection of our hard work. Do not use our content. If you see something you wish to use, contact the person who posted it and ask their permission.

Advertising in chat by posting a link or an email/twitter is not allowed. Advertising by sending links in emails is not allowed. Advertising another site in any form will not be tolerated.

If you feel that a member or a post has violated any of these rules, please send a private message to a site admin.

If you have questions about any of the rules, please contact a site admin for clarification.

We reserve the right to ban anyone from the site at any time per the discretion of the admin. We reserve the right to change these rules without notice. The rules are to make the Cullens Online a safe and fun place for all members. Thank you for your cooperation!

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October 6
Dale Flannery
  • hi this is the true story of how i met Peter and we came up with this story

    ok i really need to talk to you about something that Peter (Carlisle) Facinelli said to me, you see i met him at a convention called Dragon con and we talked about Twilight and he asked me what did i like about the movie and i replied it is... a great new take on vampires. but the Cullen's need a new Cullen who is a cut up you know who makes a joke about what is going on. then Peter sigined my picture writting To --- then he asked what is your name? and i replied Dale, then he said To Dale Cullen, Dale Cullen , Dale Cullen that has a catchy ring to it then he continued the newest family member Dr. Cullen , Peter Facinelli. then since there was no one else in line behind me he asked what kind of chatacter is Dale Cullen? and i replied did you ever see the teenage mutant ninja turtles? Peter said yes! and i replied Dale Cullen is like a human Michaelangello a cut up , fun loving goof. Then suddenly Peter's eyes went wide and said that's a great idea! a human living with the Cullens! and i replied yep, he could be Bella's cousin who's parents died when he was a kid and he is living with the Cullens and he don't know or don't at first believe that there vampires! and he could do all kinds of humorous stuff with the family! Peter started laughing and said to me you really need to get intouch with Stephine Meyer about him! and that's what i have been trying to do so please i like Twilight and i really don't want the next movie to be the last or the book i have read them alot too, so when i got home i tried to write a letter to her and it kept getting longer and longer and it became The New Storm a rough draft of a book. i am really trying to do what Peter told me to do and i can't do it alone, could you please help me?

also i agree


i love it that sounds great, gives a nice comical side to the saga, i am 29 n addicted to the twilight saga both the books n the movies, i had got the 3 movies for my 12 year old daughter for christmas n watched them myself, i loved them so much i went out and bought the books at the beginning of the year and i have read them 4 times already , i would definitley love to read another, your idea is great, i really hope you succeed with this, id buy it
if you would like to read the story i post the story chapter by chapter in the bogs
aw great thanks i will definitely like to read it, thanks again
any time and if you like the story please tell others



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Carlisle Cullen MD

Carmen Denali

- Esme Cullen

Alice Cullen

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