Are you the REAL Cullens?
The Cullens are characters created by Stephenie Meyer for the Twilight series. Sadly for us all, the Cullens are not real. We are just portraying them out of love and homage.

Are you the real Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewert/etc.?
Wouldn't it be nice to think the real RPatz was typing this right now. While some of us are actors, none of us are the actors that portray these characters in the films. For the most part we're just regular people with an unfettered addiction to and love for Twilight.

How do I get a role?
We are constantly trying to grow our family, so we love it when people are interested in joining us. We take what we do around here pretty seriously - so if you're willing to make a commitment we highly suggest you apply for a role. If you look to the right of your screen there you will see Carlisle's name - Click that and send him a message to learn more about joining us for one of our open roles!

If you have more questions - post them below and weI'll add them to the FAQ.

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*pinches & blurs back across the treaty line laughing* Your too slow there Mr Lahote, maybe I'll pass by this way again tomorrow! *smiles*
I can only speak for myself, but I truly love speaking to each and everyone of you and for all of you that have said I made you smile... thats what makes it all worthwhile.

Love Carmen xx



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