Jake and I have decided to do a few more unconventional things together. Or coming to think of it maybe, it is the typical thing that couples do. Anyway, we decided to go and see some expo's that was showing in Seattle and make a day out of it. The one expo that was the most memorable, was the remote control car toy and hobbies expo. I have never seen Jake's eyes light up so much. I think we stopped at every little car and the ones you could try out, we queued for.
I did not mind at all, to be honest I actually enjoyed it allot. The added bonus being that I have a boyfriend who know all the lingo and he could explain to me in detail about each one.
It was so amazing just to have the day for just the two of us. Jake has been so busy with the cars these days that our time together has been very little. I think that's why we planned the day to Seattle. Some time to get away and to just be with one another.  Being with Jake I enjoyed every minute of it. I must say at first I was a bit apprehensive to going to the expo , but we ended up having a great time.
We also did some things that I liked. Shoe shopping was of course on top of the list as I saw a pair in a magazine lately and had to go and see if it was available. Which of course it was and is now sitting in my closet.
While we were at the expo, I noticed that Jake was looking at a certain car more regularly than the others. In fact every time we went into a new direction, somehow we managed to come back to that car. So obviously it meant, he was quite keen on it. I have been wanting to buy him something. Just because I love you gift, but have been unable to think of a great idea. So while he was distracted by another stall, I went over to the one with the car that he was looking at so many times. Suddenly I got a brilliant idea. Knowing that Dad would see this as an emergency I quickly took out my credit card and paid for the car. Making sure Jake did not notice. I arranged with the stall owner to have it delivered to my house in the next couple of days.
So today it arrived, of course I could not give Jake the gift if I did not have it tested out. So I went to the one person I knew would be the most helpful. Uncle Emmett and the two of us spend most afternoon "testing" the remote control truck I got Jake.
I am very excited to give it to Jake but I must admit, part of me would love to keep it for myself. I know, sounds crazy right. But who says only boys have fun with toys.

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