The Story of Julliette Rose [Prologue]

My name is Julliette Rose. And I would like to begin my story with a poem I wrote about my life.

Dear Mama,

Today I am ten.

I wish more than anything

To see you again.

I wish I wasn't stupid

I wish I wasn't ugly.

Then maybe you'd come back.

Maybe daddy would hug me.

I miss you so much

I wish just once more

To feel your soft touch


Daddy did things

I don't understand.

I wish I was still guided

By your gentle hand.

I'm sorry he hurt you.

I'm sorry you're dead.

I wish I could've helped.

Before the bullet reached your head.

When you left me, 

I cried for hours

As I remembered your eyes

Like bluebell flowers.

Dear Mama,

Today I am ten. 

I wish more than anything 

To see you again.

*Author's note: I have never shared this poem with anybody but my mother. And I didn't get feedback from her. So please give me the feedback on this poem that I desperately need.

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