A long, long time ago our reign fell. We were too cocky and were over powered by the Volturi. They annihilated our coven and destroyed our spirit. Vlad and I are the last two of our coven and we stand with pride, waiting, watching and working to rebuild or empire. Little do they know what's coming for them. We bide our time... waiting, watching and when the moment is right, we will take back what is rightfully ours.

We used to live in fear like cowards hiding, running and evading them but one can only run so far. We've stopped running and have stopped singing the nursery rhyme that Jane so lovingly implanted in our heads so many, years ago....

"One, two Aro's coming for you

Three, Four better bolt that door

FIve Six, Cauis knows your tricks

Seven, eight they are full of hate

Nine, Ten, time to run again"

No more running.

We're stronger and more clever than ever and we will take back our reign.

Mark my words.

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