I still remember my first Christmas... although it was 150 years ago... and although I was just a kid... I remember it as it was yesterday.

I was only 5 months old. But I was already like a 7 year old child... my aunt wanted to be sure that this will be the Christmas that I will remember forever... and she sure did it like nobody else...

She took a big, green tree from the woods... it was almost perfect... although, I still think she took a little bit too big, cause honestly, it was so big that it couldn't fit in the house... so we had to put it out front. She put so many lights on it... and decorations... and I have never seen anything like it before... she also put the lights and decorations all over the house... everything was full of snowmans, lights, different decorations, red ribbons, grass, little santas and presents... she also baked cookies although she doesn't eat.. with soo many different shapes... I was sooo excited and soo happy.. she had a red, christmas hat... She also told me a story about how many people have "White Christmas"... I couldn't immagine that... it was just so weird and immposible for me to think of it... cause it's always sunny here... after I travelled around the world, I could immagine it... but not before... not before I see it with my own eyes...

She tucked me in the bed very early... she told me that if I will go to sleep early, Santa will come and leave me a presents... I was sooo excited... I wanted to stay awake and wait for Santa... but she insisted... so I've been sleeping for the whole night..

When I woke up I run down the stairs and... oooh... under the tree there were sooo many presents... aunt came to me and she kissed my forehead saying: "Merry Christmas my dearest boy!" I said "Merry Christmas, auntie!" and hugged her tight but quickly from excitement... presents were awesome... I still have my favorite present... I'll save it forever...

It was a picture of my mother Pire and aunt Huilen waving and smiling...

We had a big Christmas lunch... even though my aunt is a vampire and she doesn't eat I gave her a present that day... we went into the woods and we hunted together... a big elephant for Christmas! We both were so happy!

That was my first and best Christmas ever!

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Comment by Nahuel on December 24, 2009 at 2:00pm
oooh thank you Emily... yes it was a wonderfull Christmas... and sure I'll show you the picture... and I'm also sure that my aunt will be delighted to meet you some day... and be honored as much as I am to know you -smiles-


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