"I'm walking around alone in the dark... I'm lost... I'm not feeling comfortable... my senses are really beyond everything... beyond expected... beyond something that no one can even imagine... but they are useless now... I'm scared... I'm really, really scared. My heart is beating fast... the blood is running through my veins faster then ever... my muscles are not even close to something that's called "relaxed"... my eyes are burning from dark shadows and cold... I can't walk anymore... I don't know where to walk... I don't know where to go. My mind is blocked... my memories are gone... my feelings are empty... my soul doesn't exist... my body is heavy... I'm falling apart...

I'm one step away from big, black hole... my body is just body now... I'm moving closer to the hole... should I jump...?

I can't think... my mind is not working... I'm moving closer... more closer... my legs are leaving me behind... but my body is moving with them... I'm there... I can hear the screaming from the hole..."

AAAAAAH! -I stand up fast as I jump out of my bed- It was just a dream... don't worry... -I look around and see my aunt sitting outside on the porch... looking unconcerned... as I'm laying down in my bed again I feel little bit relaxed... but still, very shocked by the dream that I just had... it felt so real...-

"I'm running through the woods.. feeling fresh air running through my hair... it's sunny and warm... as I jump in the water I see fishes swimming around... I'm swimming with them... the water is nice and the temperature is absolutely perfect... as I got out of the water, I felt the sun melting the water on my body... flowers are beautiful... the fruits are everywhere... fresh fruits... I took an orange from the tree and walked by the lake... there are some kids playing with young monkyes... I picked up some flowers from the ground... nice, red roses... I came home... big cottage in the middle of the wood by the lake... I see my wife and kids running to me and hugging me... as I kiss my wife I'm giving her the roses... her face is shinny and beautiful... kids are jumping around... I see my aunt coming from the other side of the woods... I see my vampire friends and family as they are coming to visit me... I'm feeling like the happiest creature on the whole planet..."

OUCH!!!!! -I rub my back as I feel I fell off my bed- Stupid bed... -I get back on my bed and start hugging my pillow- What on the earth am I doing?!?!?!? -as I started to laugh I'm turning around on the other side of the bed and fall asleep with a wish to my dream continues...-

Vampires can't sleep... but considerig that I'm half human, half vampire... I can! But, sometimes I'm asking myself...

Is that a blessing or a curse?

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Comment by Nahuel on December 24, 2009 at 1:58pm
-smiles- thanks Emily... this was really nice of you.


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