Like most children growing up, I would sit down before christmas and write my "Dear Santa" letter, outlining how I had been on my best behaviour that year and because I had been such a good girl, "Santa could I possibly have the following....". And now this year with Christmas day fast approaching and my own children well past their own "Dear Santa" letter days, I find myself writing not a letter to Santa but a Christmas wish in my journal.

"My Christmas Wish....

That each of my friends receive a contentment, joy and happiness that you can only experience when you feel in your heart the true meaning of Christmas.
A peace and tolerance for all of us, for we are all so very different, be it in personality or otherwise".

When I look back over the last six years and what has happened in our lives I know deep within my heart there can be no regret. I miss Harry more than words and I always will, but if he were here sitting beside me at this very moment he would surely say to me, "Sue you have to look at the bigger picture...without the existence of the other be it human or otherwise and the knowledge of said existence, there are those among us that would only be living half a life. Without Edward, Bella would not have her soul mate and nor would Jacob. For without them there would be no Renesme. The ripple effect goes on and on of course.... Charlie would not be the proud and happy grandfather he is today and the Cullens would not know the joy that Renesme has brought to their lives. Whether we like it or not all of our lives are intertwined like a delicate vine".

Harry posessed a very gentle yet subtle and practical outlook on life, he lived everyday to the fullest and loved his family and friends with all of his heart.

"Lastly but certainly not least... My Christmas Wish for our beautiful Leah and Seth would be to find the love and happiness that Harry and I always wished for them".

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