La Push Beach...

Humans, werevolves, half-vampire...

Beautiful fireworks, great music, incredible food, excellent company = AWSOME TIME!


Dancing, singing and laughing around the fire and great stories....


Another year is behind us.

And although some of us are very very old. You might even say antique... We still know how to make an awsome party and have hell of a time!

New Years Eve was a party that started at 12am and finished on New Years day at 12pm. A night full of memorable moments that are framed forever in my memories, as one of the best nights of entire life!

Closing the memories from last year was like opening a totally new, blank page of a book.

But this will be only one year in hundreds or thounsands of them; that will come and pass. Just one more, which we all hope, will be as great as the last one and maybe even better!

Wishing you all Happy New Year!

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Comment by Nahuel on January 2, 2010 at 11:52am
yes Emily, I definetly share the feeling with you and I was very honored to enter the New Year with La Push family -smiles-


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