Christmas holidays with the Clearwater's and the La Push families

When I was at Rosalie and Emmett's wedding, two amazing things happened for me.

First, I saw baby Ayasha for the first time;
Second, my dear friend Seth Clearwater asked me to spend Christmas holidays at his house with his family.

Of course, I accepted the invitation.

We had an awsome time!

A few days before Christmas Eve we went swimming. We were cliff diving with members of the pack (Brady, Sam, Paul, Collin, Jared and Jake.) We spent a lot of time running around the wood, teasing Leah and Kim. Then we went to Emily's house, and of course, we spent a lot of time eating all the delicious meals and cookies that Emily had made for us. We had a blast!

On Christmas Eve we decided to decorate the Christmas tree and the house. Leah was little bit pissed cause she thought it was girlish; but we had a great time! And above all, we were laughing and making jokes all the time!

On Christmas morning we opened our Christmas presents. I got a super funny video tape of Seth dancing. As I watched the video I was rolling around on the ground with tears of laughter. I had bought Seth some boxers that were terrible funny and I just couldn't resist them!
We also went to visit other La Push families and wish them Merry Christmas, and of course give them their presents.

I had a great time listening to what had been going on in their lives and the Quileute stories. There was not a single thing I would have changed about this Christmas!

This was a Christmas that I will definetly remember; forever! It was definetly something very special!

And, who knows, I'm still not in the mood for returning to my jungle. I'm just having to much of a ROARsome time in La Push!

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Comment by Nahuel on January 8, 2010 at 2:28am
-laughs- oooh no La Push for me anymore -dies!- I'm joking! Hell I know you're taken... already -winks-
Comment by Nahuel on January 7, 2010 at 11:28am
-laughs hard- Ooh Beccs, that was just a little thingy for you... I'm sure you will wear it some day... -rolls over the floor laughing- permanent resident? how about you marrying me and save me all the troubles about being a guest there?
Comment by Nahuel on January 2, 2010 at 11:50am
-laughs- Emily, thank you for being so good to me... after all, I'm still half vampire -winks- and besides, your cooking is just great! I just can't make myself to go back to the jungle!
and Seth... heey buddy, you gave me a much better present! And we are having an awsome time! I really enjoy being in La Push! -smiles-


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