Hi Everyone! My name is Brittaney but most everyone calls me Britt. I was born in Fitchburg, M.A but live in the south now. I am going to school to be a nurse. I am a part time writer and have been working on a book for quite some time. Hopfully I will have more to show in the near future! I ride horses as pleasure and as part of my job. I've riden and competed since the age of five. Thats pretty much it! I have a wonderful and the best friends in the world (CHELSEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friend her! Shes Chelsea Sierra Alba!) If you have any questions, though i'm sure you won't, just ask! Peace out!
Brittaney Suzanne Crawford's Blog
(Britt)"Or worse yet....I can't find my pants!"
(Chels)"I could fall asleep so quickly with the one I love holding me in their arms..." (Britt)"Yea but instead you've got me and Fredrick."
(Chels)"Insta Rob! You just pop him in the microwave and press the Rob button!"
(Chels)"You just drop the tab in the bathtub and the next thing you know you got Insta Rob!" (Britt)"Does he grow clothes?" (Chels)"NO...well maybe pants..." (Britt)"Dang.."
Posted on June 16, 2009 at 12:58pm
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