In the name of learning more about our new friends, please post below with your reponses to these questions:

What should we call you?
Whats your favorite kind of soda?
What kind of car do you drive?
What is the last song you listened to?
Are you a neat freak or a slob?
What's your favorite veggie?
Do you drive like a Cullen?
Who is your best friend?
What would you like to learn more about?
What was the last big purchase you made?
What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
What depresses you?
The first thing you do in the morning is?
What's your bad habit?
What do you never leave home without?
Acoustic or electric guitar?
What color is your room painted?
What's your favorite city?
Edward or Jacob?
If you had one wish, what would it be?

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What should we call you? Lindsey; Linds; or Lis
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Dr. Pepper
What kind of car do you drive? i don't drive yet; but i'm going to get my mom's mustiang
What is the last song you listened to? Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) by KAty Perry
Are you a neat freak or a slob? in the middle
What's your favorite veggie? paotoaes
Do you drive like a Cullen? i don't drive leglly, so I guess
Who is your best friend? Val
What would you like to learn more about? why my dad left when I was 2
What was the last big purchase you made? a sugar cookie :D
What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
What depresses you? Feburay 5; September 28 caus I lost 2 family members very close to me
The first thing you do in the morning is? groan that I have to get up
What's your bad habit? biteing my nails
What do you never leave home without? my ipod
Acoustic or electric guitar? acoustic
What color is your room painted? orange
What's your favorite city? Mayo, Flordia
Edward or Jacob? Edward sorry, Jacob
If you had one wish, what would it be? that my dad would never had left
What should we call you? Hoppy. I broke my leg one time and I hopped everywhere.
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Orange!!!!!
What kind of car do you drive? Don't have my full licence yet, I'm on my learner plates driving my Mum's blue subaru Impreza
What is the last song you listened to? California Girls
Are you a neat freak or a slob? Depends what I'm doing...
What's your favorite veggie? Eggplant!
Do you drive like a Cullen? I'm on my L's, I can't afford to!
Who is your best friend? Cathy <3
What would you like to learn more about? I'd love to learn French or Spanish
What was the last big purchase you made? My formal dress!
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? I told my friend to go swimming in the dam >.<
What depresses you? Being inside on a sunny day
The first thing you do in the morning is? Go back to bed.
What's your bad habit? Biting my fingernails
What do you never leave home without? My iPod and phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? Cream with a purple feature wall
What's your favorite city? Sydney
Edward or Jacob? Jacob
If you had one wish, what would it be? A cure for sids
You can call me Leilani, Lei, or Lani. My fave kind of soda is Dr. Pepper. I don't drive heehee. Last Song i listened to was Raise Your Glass. I'm a neat freak. I like broccoli. I dont drive. My best friend on here is Holly, Lindsey, Valerie, and Khambree.  I would like to learn more about marine biology. A shirt. Tell your friend to shut up. My mom and dad dying today. go downstairs. bite my nails. my phone. acoustic. white. Honolulu.  Edward. To visit my nana.

What should we call you? Lauren
Whats your favorite kind of soda? I don't drink much soda.
What kind of car do you drive? Don't drive.
What is the last song you listened to? King of Anything by Sara Bareilles

Are you a neat freak or a slob? Im a mix of the two, but mostly neat.
What's your favorite veggie? Carrots or Broccoli

Do you drive like a Cullen? Nope
Who is your best friend? Briana Bauer
What would you like to learn more about? Im interested in Medicine ever since Grey's Anatomy started. It's interesting.
What was the last big purchase you made? I can't remember...I seldom spend any money.
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? I dont remember and bad advice I have recieved.
What depresses you? Seeing abused animals.
The first thing you do in the morning is? Feed my cat.
What's your bad habit? Chewing my nails.
What do you never leave home without? Cell Phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? Right now yellow, but it will soon be white.
What's your favorite city? Destin, Florida
Edward or Jacob? CARLISLE!!
If you had one wish, what would it be? World Peace

What should we call you? Kadi, Kats
Whats your favorite kind of soda? don`t drink it :P
What kind of car do you drive? No driver`s license, yet.
What is the last song you listened to? John Travolta- Razzamatazz
Are you a neat freak or a slob? both
What's your favorite veggie? carrot, cucumber
Do you drive like a Cullen?-If i was a vampire, then maybe, but (un)fortunately I`m not, so i guess, i won`t drive like Cullens.
What would you like to learn more about? more about animals and their behavior.
What was the last big purchase you made? i bought shoes and jeans :)
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? can`t remember, :/
What depresses you? when i see people who have lost their homes and jobs and now they have to beg for money.
The first thing you do in the morning is? wake up and drink coffee :)
What do you never leave home without? mobile and purse
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? at the moment it is blue
What's your favorite city? Madrid, Paris, Tallinn...
Edward or Jacob? Both, if possible ;)
If you had one wish, what would it be? To become a zoologist.
What should we call you? Kika
Whats your favorite kind of soda? I don't drink much soda so I don't have a favorite
What kind of car do you drive? I don't have a car right now
What is the last song you listened to?  Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Are you a neat freak or a slob? I'm neat nor a freak not a slob either
What's your favorite veggie? Broccoli
Do you drive like a Cullen? I wish I could I'm no granny behind the wheel either *giggles*
Who is your best friend? Wendy R.
What would you like to learn more about? mmm a lot of things really like arquitecture but most of all desing and comunications and computer science so I can be a better programer.
What was the last big purchase you made? I bought a lot of clothes
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? can't remember
What depresses you? Seeing or knowing of childrens abuse
The first thing you do in the morning is? get up and take a shower to get ready for the day
What's your bad habit? my mom says a new bad habit I took was not let go of my Iphone and always playing with it even when I'm talking to someone
What do you never leave home without? my Iphone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? white
What's your favorite city? NYC, Las Vegas, Paris
Edward or Jacob? mmm Edward, Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper
If you had one wish, what would it be? I may sound dumb but a few years ago before all of this even I only had one wish being a Vampire so I could live and be young forever because I was terrified and maybe even now of dying.
What should we call you? Steph
Whats your favorite kind of soda?(Pop) LOL And Coke
What kind of car do you drive? Only have 1 car to share with Dh soo Nothing right now lol
What is the last song you listened to? Pink not sure what one Love all her stuff
Are you a neat freak or a slob? I'm In the middle
What's your favorite veggie? Green Beans
Do you drive like a Cullen? Yes!
Who is your best friend? Tasha we have known each other since we where 5 
What would you like to learn more about? Greek Mythology & My Irish heritage.. Can't seem to get it out of my Grandma
What was the last big purchase you made? Its not really big but the house of night Series
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? Ranting out our house..
What depresses you? Watching the news.
The first thing you do in the morning is? Get my kids out of bed.
What's your bad habit? Biting my nails.. *Hides*
What do you never leave home without? My cell Phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? None Bass
What color is your room painted? White
What's your favorite city? Sea side OR
Edward or Jacob? Edward
If you had one wish, what would it be?  To have the money to Put My Kids though Collage.
What should we call you? Cyndi
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Dr.Pepper
What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive
What is the last song you listened to? Sami by Darren Criss
Are you a neat freak or a slob? Slob
What's your favorite veggie? Potatoes
Do you drive like a Cullen? I don't drive but if I did I don't think I would
Who is your best friend? Adam Hopper
What would you like to learn more about? My native amarican backround
What was the last big purchase you made? I haven't made any big purchases yet
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? If you trust him he'll be faithfull to you
What depresses you? Arguments
The first thing you do in the morning is? Get my lil bro and sis up for school
What's your bad habit? Spacing out
What do you never leave home without? My iPod
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? Purple
What's your favorite city? San Diego
Edward or Jacob? Jacob
If you had one wish, what would it be? For people to be kinder to children and animals

What should we call you? Briar,Sis,Emi
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Mt.Dew,Sierra Mist
What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive yet, but maybe a 2011 Crossfire.It's a very nice car!
What is the last song you listened to? "Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger" by Daft Punk

Are you a neat freak or a slob? I'd say I'm a bit of both,to be honest.
What's your favorite veggie? Um...Nothing inparticular but but I'd have to go with carrots.
Do you drive like a Cullen? If I had a car,yes.Yes I definitely would!
Who is your best friend? My best friend( and like a sister to me) is Lindsey Sullivan!!:)
What would you like to learn more about? Um...Dance,singing and the supernatural.
What was the last big purchase you made? Um...I don't know.
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? To calm down when you utterly poed!!!
What depresses you?Being away from my friends and family too long.Like when I go to camp.BUt I put on a smile anyways.
The first thing you do in the morning is?Wake up obviously!!
What's your bad habit? some people,being to hyper.But otherwise,biting my nails.
What do you never leave home without? My notebook and a couple pens,so I can write.
Acoustic or electric guitar? I don't really play but I'd have to go with acoustic.It has a more richer sound,though i like both forms of guitar.
What color is your room painted? Plain old white.But if i were to paint it, it  would be a white backround with black and red swirls and embroidery.
What's your favorite city? That I've travelled to so far,Orkaney Springs,Virginia. Or Philadephia,Pennsylvania in the fall.
Edward or Jacob? Hard to choose, but if I had to choose out of THOSE two specifically,Edward. But I'm more of a Jasper fan.
If you had one wish, what would it be? One wish? That's hard to say..At the moment I have everything I want pretty much.So I'm good for now.Thanks!!:)

really? I'm your best friend? ~smiles~ love ya sis
no no her best friend.teehee.*giggles*

What should we call you? Paula

What's your favorite kind of soda? Pepsi

What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive, but my hubby drives a silver mini-van. Used to be an old work van, not much in the line of back windows. He's painted murals on the sides.

What is the last song you listened to? Whatever song was at the end of the movie hubby watched last night. Wasn't really paying attention. Heh..

Are you a neat freak or a slob? Not really a neat freak nor a slob. Sort of inbetween. It depends.. lately I've been sick a lot, so I've become more of a slob.. but once I'm back to normal, I won't be..

What's your favorite veggie? Raw Green yellow or red Bell Peppers.

Do you drive like a Cullen? When I was driving, I had a little bit of alead foot, but nothing like the Cullens.

Who is your best friend? I really don't have a 'Best' Friend, I am usually friendly and love everyone.

What would you like to learn more about? Everything

What was the last big purchace you made? My tattoos.

What was the worst advice you've ever been given? I really don't think I've been given any.

What depresses you? A few things, but I'll not say them..

The first thing you do in the morning is? Put on my glasses, then get coffee going. So I can function, wake my mind up so I can do the rest.

What is your bad habit? I smoke

What do you never leave home without? Purse

Acoustic or electric guitar? Well I don't own, or know how to play either, but I would love to get an electric. They say they are easier on the fingers.

What color is your room painted? Mint green and white

What's your favorite city? Well I haven't been to many, but right now I will have to say Phoenix. Because I was born there. Even if I don't live there anymore.

Edward or Jacob? Well both are good, in their own way.. but I love Jas and Carlisle best. In the Forks/LaPush area anyway.

If you had one wish, what would it be? To spend the remainder of my life somewhere warm and tropical.. I need a beach, and the ocean. And a seaworthy ship, to sail on. To explore some. :)




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