Nurse Nani's Comments

Comment Wall (35 comments)

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At 5:50am on May 30, 2023, Kim Cameron said…

At 4:09am on May 30, 2020, Kim Cameron said…

At 4:05am on May 30, 2020, Chelsea Volturi said…

At 3:16am on June 4, 2017, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

At 10:55am on May 30, 2017, Alice Cullen said…

At 6:55am on May 30, 2012, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

At 1:44pm on May 30, 2011, Carmen Denali said…
At 7:08pm on February 8, 2011, Kathleen said…

Present Gram From Eleazar Denali

Happy Valentines Day Ele x
At 4:41pm on October 31, 2010, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

At 6:28am on October 26, 2010, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

At 5:56pm on July 1, 2010, pr3tty4Nj said…

At 5:55pm on July 1, 2010, pr3tty4Nj said…

At 4:41pm on June 22, 2010, Cassandra G Morris said…
Thank you for checking on me! It means a lot. I have been a bit down and out as well as under the weather. I went to the doc today and got some meds so hopefully I will be feeling better. I also have the rest of the week after tomorrow off to rest so I will take advantage! I hope your week is going well!
At 5:29pm on June 17, 2010, pr3tty4Nj said…

At 6:09am on June 16, 2010, Carlisle Cullen MD said…
At 7:36am on June 12, 2010, Sue Clearwater said…
Thank you lovely, you too *hugs*

love Suexx
At 3:49pm on June 11, 2010, pr3tty4Nj said…
At 3:48pm on June 11, 2010, pr3tty4Nj said…

At 5:58am on June 7, 2010, Sue Clearwater said…

At 5:07am on June 7, 2010, Carlisle Cullen MD said…


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