Hello my dears! The name be Stefanie, or Stef. (I Prefer Stef...Just Sayin')Everyone in the world hates my guts, but loves me for it. I apparently annoy the crap out of them! Whoohoo!! But I still have my besties :D Pattyful Pimpentel (A.K.A. Awesome Patty), Jillybean-Son Bird, Sabeena the Lima Bean-A, Sarahbear (Or SarahPie!), and who could forget THE SLUG! Haha, just playing with ya.
My husband, is the all ahmayzing! Super sexy, named after the Edward Cullen... EDWARD CINNAMON!!!!!!!!!!! *Crowd Cheers* (A.K.A. My Cat)
I love writing, reading, theatre, and music. I'm a self-taught almost-maybe-half-or-not-really pianist! I have this thing... it's called my Song Journal, she's my baby! I no let anyone see it!!! ('Cept Amor, who takes it out of my bag against my will...)
If I don't pursue a career in acting, I'll probably be a Journalist, or study Photography. I'm already half way to being an author!!! Just a few duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-DUH! LEETOTELEETOTELEETOTELEETOTELEE DUHH's Before I publish a book.
I don't love you...YET!!! Just drop me a comment saying "Hi" or "Hey"...or "Holla!"... or "MAMMALS!!!" ...hehe sorry 'bout that... AND THEN I'll love you forever and ever!
When my best friend met me, she thought I seriously was mentally challenged. That'ts how randomly awesome I can be. Then she introduced me to her best friend, and her best friend became OUR best friend. And then in Drama Club I helped them meet an old friend of mine, and then all 4 of us were best friends! And then came Sabrina... Hahaha!
I want to go to Wondernia Bottom some day... (That's Wonderland, Narnia, and Bikini Bottom in one)... so if you like no a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's cousin knows a guy that's step-brothers with this guy that can get me to Wondernia Bottom... make sure you let me know.

^ ^ ^This is my beautifulamazinglyawesomegorgeoustastical Hayley^ ^ ^
... I love Hayley, she is my idol... and one day, when I magiclly meet her, she will love me too. And then I shall join the glory that is Paramore!!! Muahahaha!!! (Maybe)

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~ Carlisle