Vicky! Thanks for listening last night! You are awesome! *smiles* Love you!
At 6:21pm on September 26, 2010, Carmen Denali said…
to keep you smiling
At 11:17pm on September 17, 2010, Carmen Denali said…
I'm so happy to hear that you are home dearest Vicky, you are in my thoughts each and every day and I can't wait to see your beautiful smile once again. Until then I hope this helps you smile..
I hope to pay you a visit as soon as you are up to it. Please rest, take it easy and listen to your body, it knows best.
Don't over-do it. Doctor's Orders.....
I'll see you soon, rest easy
I heard through the grape vine you where not feeling so hot.....*pouts* I am sorry my friend hope you get to feeling better! I do have to say I could stay on your page and listen to tunes all day......That Wanna be Edward Cullen was great!!! Well I just wanted to send you some love......*huggles sick Vicky then sprays self with Lysol*.......*giggles*.....Now get better your much loved!
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to keep you smiling
Don't over-do it. Doctor's Orders.....
I'll see you soon, rest easy
~Much Love~
love Carm & Ele xx
My prayers are with you for a quick recovery
~Misty W.~
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