ECLIPSE WAS SOOOOOO GOOD.It was even better with you Sam!!!-thinks-You had to calm me down ALOT-giggles and smiles-But come on.THEY'RE SO AWESOME!! You know it's true.Talk to you later.Hannah and Kymbra are going to camp tomorrow but we're leaving tonight so I'll call you later tomorrow.Okay.-hugs tight-
Yeah ya did sis!!-laughs-Am I really that awesome?You are to....then again anyone I knwo is but yeah!!!-smiles-Hope to talk to ya later.3 DAY TILL ECLIPSE!! YOu ,ME and that movie ,Wdenesday!! CAN'T WAIT!!! BFN!!
Your sis~ Briar;)
SAMMY!!!!!-hugs her ,knocking her over-IT'S MY BESTEST FRIEND FOR ETERNITY!!!!I can't believe you have a Cullens.Now!!!!!!-so excited can't tink of anyway to calm down-SUPER HAPPY!!!! Got any questions just ask me!!! or te Cullens,Irish,Wolves,Romanians, and well...pretty much anyone on here.Talk to you soon!!
~ Briar M.;)
Samantha Tyree's Comments
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Your bestest friend,
Your sis~ Briar;)
~ Briar M.;)
~Katie Brockhan
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