So. i guess we're having a party sometime in the near future? How exciting. I haven't had a party to go to in a long while, not since Katie got mad at me for that one... but that was totally my fault. Had way to much to drink, and just went crazy. NOT in a bad way though. I mean, pffft, come on. It's ME! Eric Yorkie. I ain't that cool to get into that much trouble. But let just say when I got home from the party, and tried to play my online chess game, it just didn't work at all. I failed at it, miserably. I laughed at myself, for days. Waking up the next morning to find that your score was lower than what you left it, is a big wide wakener. And let me tell you, it was a LOT lower than what it was before.

But anyways, I've been missing Kaite more and more lately. It really sucks with her being at work all the time and not having time for me and Harley. But we make the bes
t of it, me and him. He's kinda been sad though, not being able to sleep in her bed with her. I agree with him. But that's okay, I suppose. I'll probably get to this weekend, call her up or something. So, we will see.

Anyways, I'vee been trying to keep myself busy, you know? Going down to hang out with some random friends I met this summer at La Push. It's pretty fun. Especially with Quil. We've taken a liking to each other. Which is good, cause he's fun to be around. He's kinda like, the little brother I never had? lol. I mean, literally. Him and Claire are the best. Gotta love that little girl. She loved the shirt Becca made for me after I lost to her at the 'competition; between us; it was pink, and glittery. Then Collin had THE NERVE to rip it. But whatever, as long as Claire Bear liked it, that's al that matters :) She's such a little princess.

Other than them, and the new friends I've made, work has been keeping my busy as well. It's getting easier to manage my time with being around my friends, and work. That's great though. Cause that means I'll have a life soon again, just needed a summer job here in Forks before going back to UW this fall with my lovely girlfriend, and maybe even Ty and Lauren. THAT would be awesome too, to room with them. We'd almost have the gang together. At least half. It really sucks cause Jessie and Mike have been busy. Ben's been out on vacation and I'm not sure when he'll be back, and then Angie's been busy doin' her thangggggggg. It's just kinda like we'll never ever get to get things together. But that's why we're all going to meet up tomorrow and plan this stinkin' party. GOOD. cause I miss Mike. Mikeeeey, Oh, Mikeyyyy.

I miss my friends. I miss the way things used to be and growing up seems like a real brat when it happens. like BAM, one day you're like, not an kid anymore, you're an adult and it all changes and then you have responsibilities, and have to work, and loose the life that you once had and then all this bs comes into play and it makes it totally worse than what it really easy. and then you get like, depressed and stressed and it gets even MORE worse. It's like, WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END?!?!?!!?

Gosh. I sound like a freaking girl, which is totally not cool. Mean Girl status? ...don't even ask me how I know about that movie. My older sister used to watch it all the time, Katie loves it, and my mother quotes it allll the time. It's like 'gawd woman!' She needs a new hobby. Like trying out that twilight drug that's going around. I don't even get that. But I hear it's good. Oh, whatever.

Well, I'm out. I just wanted to rant off a little bit before passing out. Don't know what else to say, but if anything great comes up. I'll sure to let you know, cause I have nothing else to do but rant on this blog that I've created for myself Gotta love it. I think I'ma go play my chess game now, then go to ed by at least 2. So I've got a least a game to play. YAY! :D

iiight well, I'll see ya'll on the flippppp side.


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