For me, it's a memory of the past that is pleasant and spreads warmth throughout my whole body.

One such thing is the wedding band on my finger. Another is a dried flower that Esme had in her hair on our wedding day which is laminated and tucked into one of my journals. The items I find nostalgic don't always have to be anything of monetary value. As a matter of fact, most of them would be deemed worthless to any passer-by. For me, they are priceless and ignite memories which are buried or fading away.  
For my kind, our memories go only so far. To prevent myself from forgetting, I keep a journal. My journals are my most precious possessions. They contain everything that I hold dearly. We remember the big events a lot easier than small ones but so often it's the small things that matter most. I am one who documents much of his life in order to never forget. I believe my biggest fear is, aside from losing my family, losing my precious memories.

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