My name is Jessica Lynn, most ppl call me Jess or on here, J-WOW *thanks emmett* lol. I am 23 soon to be 24 yr old living in Brooklyn, Ny. Born and raised here, not that special if you have been here your whole life. But I am sure I take it for granted, I will probly be reminded of that when I go on vacation and everything is closed by midnight lol. I am Irish, Polish and french. I speak english and some spanish. I love shopping, shoes and dresses are my fav. I hate heels though, flats work fine for me. I am 5 ft 7, I don't need to be taller than that. I have green eyes, naturally dirty blond hair which is now dyed black. That's the basics.


Heres the Randomosity that is Jess::


I hate pickles.

I hate ketchup.

I hate mustard.

The sound of cardboard rubbing together drives me insane.

I am allergic to dush, trees, pollen, apples, orange juice, horses, cats, most dogs.

I hate having a cell phone, I don't like being so easily tracked down.

I have a nose ring.

I have 3 tattoos.

I love the smell of rain.

I have had braces twice, my teeth are straight but I have the gap * rawr *

I love chicken.

My fav show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

MY fav band is Good Charlotte.

My fav ice cream is Cherries Jubilee.

I love all things Betsey Johnson.

I have an obsession with handbags, don't judge me.

I do hair and make up on the side.

I currently babysit, hopefully not much longer.

I have a bf named Charlton.

I love tinkerbell.

I wear Coach original perfume.

I use Secret Clinical Protection deoderent lol.


Anything else you wanna know.... ask!

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