We always tend to take for granted the things the little things in life that we constantly have around. There’s a lot to be thankful for in life but none of us really ever take the time to appreciate it fully until it’s too late. Our friends, our family, even the simple things like being alive and healthy among our loved ones.

Growing up without a father around has never truly been easy and I used to resent life a bit because of this, asking myself why it happened to me. What happened to compensate for his however is that I was too young to realise the important things like all the support me and mom always had around La Push from others through this. Thinking back on it, I should have been thankful for that a lot more. I never really realised how much he and his family always seemed to be around for us. Everyone always helped when something was needed and it’s often something that is taken for granted.

In the past few years since my life has changed, I started realising those important things. Helping out others is a big part of the pack life now and it holds great responsibilities. In a way, we could say that I’m thankful for all this since I’m not sure if I’d have friends and a family as close as I have now if not for this. I don’t know if I’d have found out that I actually have a brother, or if mom and I would be as closer together as it brought us. I try not to think on it too much since I’m real glad to have a bigger family now and to be able to spend time with them like I did this year at thanksgiving. A great dinner with family and friends is always greatly appreciated, especially on this thanks giving day. Hopefully we’ll have plenty more in the future.

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