Everyone has a favorite time of year. For me it's more of the change of seasons I like. The change between each season. As winter fades and the temperatures warm. Plants start to grow, flowers start to bloom. It's a time that shows change and possibility. My mom was always telling me it was a good time to start new things. Even when I was younger we'd go for walks in the spring to see the world waking up once more. It's something I still do. And then there's the fall. It's a beautiful time of year. As the temperatures fall, and the tress all start to change colors.

These days, I love to take Kim for walks. So that we can enjoy all the colors and wonders together. Over the years I've found new spots and every year I share a new one with Kim. With as much time as I spend out in the woods finding new ones is easier than it was years ago. Theres something special about being able to share such magnificent spots with someone specail.

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