Now that I have been back home for some time it has allowed me to reflect on my recent trip to Forks. I was sent back there yet again to check on the Cullens. To see that they were indeed still hiding what they were. To check on the young Renesmee. To see how she had grown and change. To see if she had developed more of her gift or if she had developed a new gift. To Aro she was of great curiosity. I was to study her as much as I could and to keep an eye on Alice and Edward.
Aro was unlikely to give up hope that they would join us one day.
Forks was a dreary little town. As was much of the surrounding area. Through out the trip I wasn't able to find anything that would force Aro's hand. Thought Alice did eventually offer to come back with me, but only to show Aro where things were for their future. Nothing out of the ordinary.
No doubt he would be sending me back there more often. And of all the journeys I had taken for Aro, this one was both interesting and dull at the same time. Watching, learning, spying. Meeting with Alice and Renesemee, that part proved interesting. The child had grown into a young woman.
To many it might seem as thought trips to Forks to check on the Cullens was a waste of time. But to Aro, it was his way to always remind the Cullens that we were always watching.
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