The New Year is a time of a new blank page yet to be written on. The beginning of a brand new year is a time to honor your past, live in your present and anticipate your future.

Honor the past. What did you experience over the past year? Celebrations, set backs, happiness and disappointments. What did you learn? How did you grow?

Live in your present. What are you grateful for? Are you satisfied with who and where you are? If yes, bask in it. If no, take this opportunity to make small changes that can add up to big differences. Are you obsessed with your life? If you are not obsessed with your life, this is your chance to change it.

Anticipate your future. Find excitement in knowing that you can still write your future and be the the person you truly dream of being.

This is your time, your life, your world. As a seer, I believe in you and all you can create for yourself in the New Year.


Happiest of New Years to you and yours!


Alice xoxo

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