Adding the finishing touches to my makeup I cannot hide my smile or excitement. "Are you ready Eleazar?" "I vant to suck your blood", replies my husband as he sweeps into the bathroom and theatrically drapes his cape clad arm across the lower half of his face. "Oh my", I giggle in response. "You look deliciously evil my dear husband.... and your fangs?", I raise a questioning eyebrow. "But of course my sweet", Eleazar drawls in his perfect Dracula impersonation, instantly flashing them before swooping in to bite down on my neck. "Thank goodness I pre-empted this behaviour and purchased back up sets" I dissolve into giggles once more as the plastic fangs disintegrate against my skin. "Mmm, this is good no?", he winks maintaining his Transilvanian Dracula voice. "Very.. my darling", smiling as I follow his lead and adopt the same accent. "Shall we my dear?" I accept his extended hand, still smiling and slip my own fangs into place as we go in search of our siblings.

We find everyone downstairs, Tanya breathtaking as Little Red Riding Hood and Garrett and Katie as a magician and his beautiful assistant. There are a lot of "Oo's and Ah's" as we compliment each other and I just cannot wipe the smile from my face as we get ready to celebrate our first Halloween in Forks. Unlike Denali, we will actually have trick or treaters and we are all very excited.

"Decorating the house and pumpkin carving has been the most fun so far!", announces Katie, as she places the large candy filled bowl on the hall entry table. "I second that!", we all reply at once and start laughing. "Oh.. I wonder, when they'll start arriving?", beams Tanya as Garrett perfects another card trick. "Soon I hope", he grins. "I want to show off my skillz" No sooner has Garrett uttered those words and the door bell rings. "It's showtime!", winks Eleazar as he sweeps his cape in a flourish and heads for the front door.

As it turned out, it was the most perfect evening... With Garrett and Katie set up on the front porch enthralling the neighbourhood kids with "their skillz". Tanya and I kept the candy bowl full and seeing their faces light up when we also gave them a homemade toffee apple, just made our night. Eleazar however.... was the biggest kid of all I think. He chased and scared those kids all afternoon and I've never heard such squeals of laughter and delight.

I think, it's safe to say that we started our own little Halloween tradition that year and we are so looking forward to it again this year.

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Comment by Carmen Denali on November 8, 2012 at 3:47am

Aww... Thank you Hannah, I do enjoy sharing our happy memories.

Comment by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 7, 2012 at 2:48am
This is a good story... You're so creative... Like this


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