Vlad is selling wine like mad. We live a vey comfortable existence of late. I know it will be short lived but as of right now we're enjoying it and as the saying goes, "we're living high off the hog"

It's easy to get lazy with this sort of life style but trust me, we are doing nothing of the sort. We are well aware that the Volturi know of our whereabouts and we're laying as low as possible as to stay under the radar. Vlad and I have discussed rebuilding our coven but at this time we have decided to keep things as they are. The wine business has us quite comfortable and it's been a nice change of pace to stay put for more than just a couple weeks at a time. I love that I am able to gaze upon the pieces of my gallery on a daily basis. They have been kept in storage for so many years, it's a shame to stow away such beauty with no one being able to enjoy it. I am thinking of founding a museum, of course excluding the pieces I have acquired.... let's say... non-traditionally. I am researching various areas and trying to find the perfect location. I want it to be busy, touristy and be in an area with rich archaeological history. My first thoughts are Greece, Italy or Israel. We all know that Italy is simply not an option. I am going to Greece tomorrow to look at a few pieces of real estate that I have my eye on in Edessa which is in Central Macedonia "Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας". I like this region because of it's high tourist traffic and rich archaeological background. Wish me luck on my travels. At the very least,  I hope to return home with a few new pieces for my gallery.


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