It's the last Friday of Spring Break

Why do I wake up at 5:30AM when I don't have to go to school? My mom says it's called 'Murphy's Law' and that means, basically, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Kinda funny but also really annoying since I could have slept till like 10AM ! Here it is 5:30 and I'm wide awake. The birds outside are so loud I guess that's what woke me up, I really don't know.  It's the last Friday of Spring break and Quil is coming over for pancakes at 9. I hope I can survive until then because I'm already hungry!

I got up and took a shower because my hair takes like 10 hours to dry. No, seriously.. 10 hours! It's so thick it takes forever! It's really foggy out and it's suppose to rain all weekend. Sure, of course. The last weekend of Spring Break and yeah, we get rain. I wish we could go someplace like Disneyland or Hawaii or someplace where it's not raining. I'm sick of it. I wanted to go hiking but it's so muddy and wet and cold that I think we'll just hang around here and make brownies and watch movies or whatever. Maybe we can go get ice cream later. I don't know.

I'm wide awake and so bored. Thank goodness they don't give us homework over Spring Break or I would be freaking out, last minute trying to get it all done. It was a good week. I was so totally lazy and I think I ate a record amount of brownies and french fries! The last day of school is June 14th and it can't come fast enough. I'm already ready to be finished! I have so many plans for summer! I want to go camping and I want to go to Seattle to go shopping! That's the most important!

Kiah is whining so I'm gonna take her out before she wakes everyone else up, it's time to start the day I guess! 

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