It felt like a week had passed; his eyes burned as he repeated his question.

"Where have you been?" he said, voice unfaltering, hands folded neatly in his lap.
Without missing a beat, I lied, " I decided that since I couldn't sleep, it's too hot, that I would start my chores early." I waited eagerly for him to buy it. Surprisingly he did.
"Very good use of time, son." he nodded, gesturing for me to hand him the bucket of water on the hearth. Of course I obliged, "Here Father"
"It is rather warm, isn't it." He stated dryly, washing his hands in the bucket.
I simply nodded my reply and tried to slip away unnoticed. I got up 3 steps and his voice boomed through the house. I stopped in my tracks waiting for him to round the corner.
"Carlisle, get cleaned up. You're coming with me today. I can't have you looking like a street urchin!"
"Yes, Father" I said, slowly retreating up the steps to the bedroom where my brothers still lay sleeping.
I knew what it meant. I was going to be working, cleaning the pews and sweeping getting ready for Father's Sunday sermon. I would have to listen to him practice it over and over. My head pounded with the mere thought of it. I let out a heavy sigh, changed my pants and slipped on a clean shirt. I put my hat on, crept down the stairs silently and met my father in the kitchen.
"We're off then" he said, smirking. "There's nothing like getting an early start" he put his hat on, nodded at me and we walked to the church in silence.
I hated going to the church. It felt so empty, so hollow. I preferred to be around people. I felt a sort of comfort around people. I felt isolated, cold and uninspired here. I looked around, picked up the broom and started my work. I knew what was expected of me and if I did it in a timely and precise manner, father would leave me alone. If my mind got the better of me and I started daydreaming, he would take a switch to my backside.
I worked quickly. Hunger welled inside of me and I leaned the broom against the wall. I had a piece of bread in my pocket from earlier. I sat on the back stoop overlooking the cemetery and ate quietly. The birds flitted from tree to tree as the sun started to peek above the horizon. It was about 5AM, the shadows shifted and as soon as the sun hit my face I went back inside.
"Father?" I called out, unable to find him. "Father?" He didn't answer. I walked through the church, gathered the broom and wet cloth I had wiped the pews down with and put them away.
"I'm finished, Father" I called out one last time.
"I'm here, Carlisle" he said, his face still buried in his sermon. He walked through each row of pews, running his hand along. "Nicely done. Off with you now, you still have chores left undone at home" He tilted his head towards the door. That was my escape.
'Yes, sir" I nodded and quickly exited, running through the cemetery across the field and into our small barn. I closed the barn door and quickly threw hay to our 2 cows. I started milking. If I could get this done fast enough I'd have time to go to town and see Doctor Bradshaw. I loved visiting him. He was always happy, always glad to see people. I knew how he felt.
I heard rustle in the loft. I disregarded it as a barn swallow or a mouse, a million thoughts rushed through my head; things I wanted to do, people to see. I was eager to get into town. The silence here was deafening. Straw fell from the loft, this time it spooked the cow and she kicked me off the milking stool. I was lucky that the bucket of milk was not spilled, I moved it next to the door and climbed the ladder to investigate.

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