We have a house guest, her name is Lizzie and she's been through a very traumatic ordeal. I felt it best that she stay with us where I can keep an eye on her and ensure her safety until at which time she is well enough to go out on her own and when I am sure that there is no further danger.
Most of the family are riled up because she is staying here. She's very appreciative and has been absolutely no work for any of us. Alice is enjoying her company as is Esme. Jasper and Rose are adamantly against having her here. We've had hundreds of human friends pass through this door without Jasper or Rose having a single issue, so why now?
Not everything in life or death makes sense. Sometimes things are just as they are for no reason. I know that humans are a temptation to most of our kind but our family is different and has practiced restraint for many a year. Surely it must be something else that has them in an uproar. Perhaps I shall find out today.
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