For the past 6 months I was alone, hidding deep in the wood trying to figure out what's wrong with me.
My aunt keeps going away... in the past few years she's left home few times.

Is it my fault?

I'm keep thinking that she isn't happy. I took her freedom away by biting her. Maybe she wants to be around people more. Maybe she needs more company than just me.

I know she likes traveling. And I know that she likes visiting our other friends all over the world. And that's okay.
But for the past few years she just picks up her stuff and goes away while I'm not at home and leaves me a letter that she went off.

I understand her. She needs some time to be alone to think about stuff. Maybe, she is bored here.
Today, when I found out she was coming back home, I decided to come back to the society... I'm coming back home.

I think that, despite it all, I know that she loves me. She just needs some space... maybe next time we'll travel together.

But hey... she is coming back... back... back... –smiles-

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Comment by Nahuel on August 1, 2010 at 12:25am
Yes Sam, that's true. I'm sure you know that. You have a wife and a child -smiles-


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