Clair de Lune- What it means to me.

Clair de Lune, in my opinion, (as I always have been a Classical "addict" as one could say) has lost it's... quality, I suppose. No, I am not some twi fan writing about this because I heard of Clair de Lune from Twilight. I am writing this from the pit of my heart. Please read on if you wish to discover the tranquility this piece brings me.



The bright, milky moonlight shone into our car, and spilled into the creases and dips in the mountains. It created contours on each hill. I was 3 years old, and I watched in awe as we drove along the long, narrow road through the mountain range. I looked to my father, hands on the wheel, staring directly forward. 


"Papa?" I asked, curious. "What is the music you are playing? It's pretty." 


He turned to me as his face lit up and said, "It's called Clair de Lune, Sausage." Sausage was my father and mother's nickname for me. I'm not sure why, but they still call me it today (along with about 15 other nicknames). "It means 'Light of the Moon'."


And, I remember looking out the window, and then looking back at him, seeing tears of unconfined sadness leaking from his eyes (as my mother and father had just divorced). They glistened with the moonlight, as he turned to me and smiled, saying, "Sarah, you are like my little moon. Like my Clair de Lune." He smiled at me and continued crying, trying to wipe away the tears, almost ashamed. 


I remember him telling me what I said, "I wish you and mom were together. But I won't leave you like mom did."


That's all I remember. A very special, sacred moment with my father...


And that, dearest reader, is the first time I ever heard Clair de Lune. That is what it means to me.


XX, Sarah



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