With the rain today we have decided to head out for some, much needed, family time. We are going hiking up in the northern part of Vancouver where the forest is thick and teeming with Elk, Mountain Lions and Black Bears. I'm sure I will get some good use out of my new Canon EOS 70D that I got for Christmas. I love this thing and cannot wait to see what kind of captures I can get on the various settings. We need some new photos on the walls here in my office and my goal for 2018 is to shoot some great photographs.

We are heading northward and will meet up with our Denali cousins who are in Vancouver for the New Year and are, as we are, having some much needed family time. It will be good to see them again as it's been way too long since our last visit. Vancouver is the perfect place for us to meet up.

Esme has some business to attend in Vancouver, Alice has some shopping to do and will drag Rosalie along with her.  Emmett and Jasper and I will simply go out on a guys day excursion while the women hit the shops. I'm looking forward for some good family time. I feel like 2017 has slipped past with very minimal family time and that's not something I want for 2018. We are strongest when we are bonding and spending time together. 

My wish for you for the coming year is happiness, health and a lot of time spent with your family and friends!


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