Over the years I have collected and been gifted several items of jewelry. But there is one piece that brings back happy thoughts and I thought I would share a story of one of my most unique pieces. I remember when I was human that my family had a special tradition. When I turned 18 I was presented with a piece of jewelry, a ring that to this day still sits on a finger of my left hand.

I have vague recollections of the day that I slipped the ring onto my finger. It was the day of my 18th birthday and I hoped that I would receive a similar item as my siblings who had received on their 18th birthdays as part of the family tradition.

You could say that it is the only thing I have left of who I was before I was turned. I am sure if Hilda hadn't found me then the tradition would have carried on with my own children but I don't dwell on the past I stopped doing that many years ago. Its the past and that is where its going to stay.

What do you think of the ring? Quite pretty isn't it?

So I hope you have enjoyed my short story on one of my pieces of jewelry. Maybe I will share another with you again.

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