An Interactive Twilight Experience.
Brady Fuller has not received any gifts yet
Heya. My name is Brady and I am one of the pack’s “pups”. Believe me, I am not happy with that name, but it is what it is. I phased for the first time when I was 13, and I was one of the last of the Quileute pack to transform. That was 8 years ago, and although my appearance hasn’t changed much, my maturity has. Being a protector can do that to you.
I am almost done with classes in graphic arts and design, hoping to be able to find a way to put my creative side to work. I never had much of a head for numbers or reading a lot. I like the visual of life, and when I am a wolf, it lend a whole new focus to the world.
I don’t have an imprint and I hope it will be a little while before that happens. I want to get my life on a good track and be ready for it, although Sam and Jacob and the others who have imprinted say you are never prepared for it and that is so true. Elizabeth Shan or Lizzie, has become everything to me as soon as I laid my eyes on her...she has solely became the air I breath. She is my everything and I still dont know how to tell her who I truly am. She will forever have my heart, She will forever be perfect in my eyes.
I stayed in Sam’s pack after all of the excitement settled down, not because I didn’t like Jacob, but, at the time, he was the only Alpha I had had and I liked it. And even though there are two packs, it is really more like one with two Alphas.
I still enjoy cliff diving and racing my pack brothers through the woods, but as I have grown, I have had less time for things like that. I won’t ever give it up though, the rush is too addictive!
My parents don’t know what I am, they just think I am with my pack brothers and Sam and Jacob, learning how to be a good tribe member and learn the ways of our people. I let them think this, because it is partly true. It’s a lot easier now since I have a place with Collin.
So, that’s my story. If you have any questions, or if you want to get to know me, drop one in on me and I’ll do my best to answer.
Peace out.
Some things come easy for others. Some things come harder for the rest. But how long will it take for me to find the one girl that I need? I hear from the others how its wonderful to have found the other half of themselves. I just I feel like I am never going to find the other half of me. I would love to have the adventures that my friends half I would love to see and feel the love that they have. I just don't have the patience for it thought, I guess. The adventures that I will have will be…
ContinuePosted on August 10, 2015 at 4:57pm
I have lived my entire life alone. My father's side of the family doesn't want anything to do with me and my mother's side just adore me. But what I can I say? I am truly adorable *laughs* With what is going on I needed some boys time. I do enjoy spending time with my brothers and their wives or imprints but what about me? I will try to find her someday but for now I have my family. My best friend, Colin Littlesea, had finally come home. I am so glad that he is here with me to enjoy life…
ContinuePosted on August 9, 2015 at 10:34pm
First, thanks for the opportunity to audition as Brady. I have had a good time getting to know some of you and look forward to getting to work with and to know more of you. I have created my page and loaded some pictures, and I am still working on some blog ideas. I have had the chance to tweet with several family members including pack, Cullens and even Mike Newton. Everyone has been helpful and friendly and I would really be happy to be voted in. I like the idea of creating Brady from the…
ContinuePosted on June 6, 2014 at 10:44am
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You are very welcome Brady.
Love Kim
Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday week.
Love Kim
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