• · Tiffany Call-Black ~Laughs at the idea of the boys circled around Aerie and a date. Thank you for that Brady. I'm sorry, I know I am not good company. Oh...I need one or both of you to do me a favor.
  • · Brady Fuller

*looks at Tiffany* sure Tiffany

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Someone needs to get in touch with Lizzie, let her know what happened. She was at a concert last night.

  • · Her phone number is on the desk at home.
  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* I can go, I’m suppose to finish cleaning up the house

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Did the center get all cleaned up? Oh, and the present from Carlisle and Esme, he never opened it.

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* I cleaned it up don’t worry about it and I have all his gifts in my car so I am going to drop it off at your place

  • · Embry Call

We'll see what he had time to open or not

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Thank you. Embry, promise me you will keep and eye on the house and Billy when he is not here. Although I think he'll be her most of the time. At least until I am released.

  • · Embry Call

And we can sort through it.

  • · Not a problem either on that.
  • · Tiffany Call-Black

The Cullen’s got I’m a new wheelchair; I want I’m to be able to start using it soon.

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* I will help Embry and Billy out whenever they need it till you and Aerie can come home

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Thank you. We are blessed to have all of you helping.

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* don’t worry about it

  • · Embry Call

No more worrying for you. *grins as I speak* we take care of things down on the res, and you keep my baby sis company along with Billy

  • · And I'll call down Caro to come help me with the store, I'm sure her and Mark won’t mind helping.
  • · Tiffany Call-Black

~Lays back against the pillows, the fatigue heavy on me. ~ I am afraid that is not possible. You know your momma excels at worry.

  • · That would be nice to see them again.
  • · Brady Fuller

*looks at Tiffany* come on Em your mom is tired

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

The nurses will be in again soon to get my vitals and pump some...~trails off figuring you don't need that much information.~

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* understood *kisses tiff's cheek*

  • · Sam Uley

*knocking lightly on the doorframe smiling* hey

  • · Brady Fuller

*sees Sam* hey Sam

  • · Embry Call

Hey bro

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Sam! What are you doing here?

  • · Sam Uley

Came by to see you and Billy *smiling* hey guys

  • · Brady Fuller

*smiles* see Tiff, you, Billy, and Aerie are well taking care of

  • · Embry Call

*grins at Brady's comment* Damn right.

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

Oh, Billy went home to shower and gather some thing.

  • · Sam Uley

Oh, that's okay. How are you doing? How's the baby?

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* I need to be heading out so I can check on I’m and call this Lizzie

  • Sam Uley

See you bro *pats Brady's shoulder

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

The baby needs to be on the vent for a few days, and I will have to stay. ~Sees the nurse coming in. ~

  • · Brady Fuller

*nods* see Sam, Embry *waves to Tiff* bye Tiffany get better *walks out passing the nurse*

  • · Sam Uley

*grins* so Bry, how's it feel to be a big brother?

  • · Embry Call

Still realizing it. I have yet to go see her. But you can be sure I won't let anything happen to her

  • · Brady Fuller

*leaves the hospital* *gets in my pick up truck*

  • · Sam Uley

*nodding with a grin* well congrats Bry, I'm happy for you all

  • · Tiffany Call-Black

~Watches the boys go. ~ Sam? Come visit tomorrow.

  • · Sam Uley

Sure thing * smiling* rest up Tiff

  • · Sam Uley

*waves and leaves with Bry*

  • · Brady Fuller

*drives to Tiff's and Billy's house*

  • · Brady Fuller

*parks in their driveway*

  • · Brady Fuller
  • · *gets out and knocks on the door*
  • · Brady Fuller

*checks to see if the door is open* *realizes it is* Woo hoo I’m in now to find her number *walks in and heads into her office*

  • · *looks around and then finds it**dials Lizzie's number from the office phone*
  • · Lizzie Shan

[Hears my cell phone jingle, throwing the toy as Hershey chases it across the room. Runs into the kitchen to grab my phone] Hello?

  • · Brady Fuller

*smirks* Hello this is Brady Fuller I’m a friend of Tiffany and Billy, I was wondering if you can come and help me clean up their house

  • · Lizzie Shan

[Places a lock of hair behind my ear, bending down to take Hershey's toy and throw it to I’m again] Ah, hello Brady. Yeah, I'm available. Is everything okay with Tiffany and Billy? I know that party was last night.

  • · Brady Fuller

*swirls around in the chair* Yup they are okay but Tiffany had the baby and they will be there for a while so I told Tiffany I will look after the house and everything

  • · Lizzie Shan

[Almost drops the phone, my mouth hanging open] Wait, she what?! [Watches Hershey's ears perk up at my sudden exclamation] I can't believe that I missed it. [Grabs for my car keys and grabs my purse] Can she not have visitors today?

  • Brady Fuller

*keeps swirling around* No not to day she wasn’t up for any, but I am chilling at her house so come by

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smirks, locking Hershey into his crate to keep I’m from chewing on the furniture] Chilling huh? What happened to cleaning? [Holds in a laugh and locks up the house as I leave to get into the car]

  • · Brady Fuller

*holds in a laughs* I’m just waiting for someone to help me

  • · Lizzie Shan

[Raises a brow, getting into my car and beginning the drive to La Push] Well I suppose I could be that girl. I'll see you soon. And you better start on that cleaning. I know how Tiffany is about a dirty house.

  • · Brady Fuller

*laughs* so am I, *starts to clean the kitchen* Alright boss lady

  • · Lizzie Shan

See you soon. [Hangs up the phone, speeding down the road to get to Tiffany's. Curious as to who this Brady guy is]

  • Brady Fuller

*hangs up**washes the dishes*

  • Brady Fuller

*puts the dishes away and waits for Lizzie to come over*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Pulls up to the house, Impressed with my driving skills. Glad Chief Swan wasn't out on patrol to catch me speeding. Locks the car behind me, somewhat nervous to meet this new person. Walks up to the door, knocking]

  • Brady Fuller

*hears the door and walks over to the door while drying my hands*

  • *opens the door*
  • Lizzie Shan

[places a lock of hair behind my ear, looking up at the dark haired guy answering the door, feeling my heart beat faster in my chest as I meet his warm colored eyes. A feeling of warmth spreads across my whole body and for a second I forget everything in the world.] Uh, hello.

  • Brady Fuller

*looks at the beautiful girl standing in the door**Feels like the earth underneath me shifts**feeling my heart skip a beat, feeling like gravity isn’t keeping me here she is* Hello

  • Lizzie Shan

[Takes a deep and shaky breath, not sure what just happened. Bites my lip for a moment, feelings of happiness and completeness settling over me. Takes another breath, trying to contain myself] You must be Brady. I'm Lizzie [smiles, holding out my hand to you]

  • Brady Fuller

*nods and takes your hand in mine, suddenly feeling complete and overprotective of her**feeling the electricity surge through our hands* Yeah that’s me, *moves out of the way to let you come in*

  • Lizzie Shan

[feels a jolt run through me as our hands make contact, your voice sounding like a melody. Lets go of your hand, stepping into the house. A small giggle escapes my lips without my will] So how exactly do you know Tiffany and Billy?

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles hearing your giggle is like music to my ears* Embry and Jacob are my best friends

  • Lizzie Shan

[Shakes my head, setting down my purse on the kitchen counter] What a small world... [Tries to understand how suddenly everything has changed within myself] So have you seen Tiffany? Is she doing okay?

  • Brady Fuller

*nods and looks you* Ye she is fine, the baby is ok but she will be stuck in the NICU for a while *feels like I can tell her anything* how do you know Tiffany and Billy?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Takes a deep breath] Well I'm relieved that everything is okay for now. I'll have to make plans to visit her tomorrow. [Grabs a dirty plate off the table, taking it into the kitchen] I'm their home-helper. I've been helping around the house the past couples weeks - make things easier on them.

  • Brady Fuller

*looks at you* Oh...well I am here to help them as well, They have been like my second set of parents

  • Lizzie Shan

[Leans against the counter, curious about you] That's nice of you. They do seem to act like parents to everyone, don't they? Good parents too. I know they raised Embry right, and I know they will with their new baby [Pauses] So Brady want to clean and talk at the same time? I'm a girl on a mission.

  • Brady Fuller

*looks at you and nods* yes they do, Embry has always been my best friend *nods and start to gather the trash in a trash bag* Sure

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smiles, getting out rag to begin dusting] So I'm thinking of going to try and see her tomorrow... would you want to go with me? [tries to keep busy, not sure if Brady would think it was a weird request or not. All of a sudden his opinion matters to me]

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles wide* Yeah I would love to go with you tomorrow *ties up the trash bag* *scratches the back of my neck feeling kind of nervous* umm afterward would you like to go to dinner with me?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smirks, stopping mid dust and turning to look at you, placing my hand on my hip] You're a brave one, aren't you? Asking me out to dinner right after we first meet. [Feels my cheeks flush, not sure why I feel like I've know this guy my whole life]

  • Brady Fuller

*smirks* I’m a brave and know what I am getting myself into *smiles feeling like I just need to be around her all the time*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Feels the corner of my lip turn up] I think you got yourself a date tomorrow mister. But... dinner is on you tomorrow night. I'm not sure I like you just yet. [Tries to hold in a laugh, just joking. Wondering if Brady has a sense of humor]

  • Brady Fuller

*smirks* oh really? *goes and stands in front of Lizzie**starts to tickle her* How about now?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Drops the rag, busting out into giggles, trying to get Brady off of me] That's a bad idea Brady. Once the tickling begin, there is no telling what I might do to you. I don't want to hurt you. [Laughs, almost falling to the ground]

  • Brady Fuller

*laughs and then catches you* Are you ok? *smiles feeling happy that I have you in my arms*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smiles at you, amazed at how warm and strong you are] Yes, yes I am. As long as you don't tickle me, you will be too. [Laughs, righting myself again]

  • Brady Fuller

*laughs and helps you up* I’m stronger than you think I am *flex my muscles* See *trying not to laugh*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Shakes my head, placing a hand on your bicep] I'm quite Impressed Mr. Fuller. Do you mind if I ask you how old you are? Because you look young to have muscles these big.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles* I’m 20 turning 21 soon *looks at you and laughs* so now I am Mr. Fuller and not Brady?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Feels my eyes widen, looking away momentarily] Oh god, I'm a cougar. [Feels my cheeks flush, returning my look back to you] You are whatever I want you to be. [I say it jokingly but suddenly there seems to be a double meaning behind it. He could be whatever I want him to be]

  • Brady Fuller

*looks at you a bit shocked when you said that* What do you want me to be? *hoping it something good*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Feels overwhelmed with emotion, not sure what is going on. It's like everything is different and that Brady is suddenly my whole life. Trying to justify it, I shake my head deciding to go with the flow and be brave. I take your hand, pulling you to me and press my lips to yours]

  • Brady Fuller

*feels a bit shocked when you press you lips to mine but then closes my eyes**takes my hands out of yours and places them on either side of your face* *continues to kiss your soft lips feeling like you complete my life*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Forces myself to pull away, my heart racing and suddenly feeling out of breath

  • What do you think that means? [I say, breathless from your kiss]
  • Brady Fuller

*looks into your beautiful eyes**keeping my hands on your face* That you want me to be more *leans my forehead on yours* But I want, no I need you to tell me what you want me to be

  • Lizzie Shan

[Places a hand on your arm, taking a deep breath] I want to be with you. I almost feel crazy. [Pauses] I just met you but suddenly I saw you and everything was different. [Bites my lip] I don't even know you and suddenly you matter more to me than anyone ever has.

  • Brady Fuller

*carefully slides my thumb up and down your cheek* I will be whatever you want me to be Lizzie*looks into your eyes* I have the same feeling, I feel like you are my entire life and I must protect you til my last breath

  • Lizzie Shan

[Feels your warmth through your hands, wanting to stay in this place forever] How is this even possible? It must be a miracle or something. How am I lucky enough to feel this? [Smiles softly]

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles softly* I cant explain either *kisses your cheek* But I feel a lot luckier to be standing in front of the most beautiful girl in the world

  • Lizzie Shan

[Pulls away from you, still holding your hand in mine] If it were any other guy who said that, I would say that was a bit cheesy but coming from you... it means everything.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles* I like being cheesy if it makes you smile *lefts your hand and kisses it gently* we should continuing cleaning and after this would you like to grab some ice cream?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Grins, loving the way your lips feel against my skin] The place isn't too dirty. So it shouldn't take too long to finish up.... [pauses, looking at the time] It's like you know me already. Ice cream is my favorite dessert.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles* I love ice cream *lets go of your hand* what should we clean next?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Places my hand on my hips, looking around] Well, if I finish the dishes, will you sweep the family room? The rest of the trash has already been picked up. And you seem strong enough to move some furniture around. [Smirks, heading into the kitchen]

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles and nods* Ok just let me know what needs to be moved around**grabs the broom and dust pan**starts to sweep the family room*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Cleans some of the dishes in the sink, thankful that there aren't that many] Don't forget to get under the couch [Smiles as I do the dishes, my heart still racing from the kiss] So tell me a bit about yourself Brady. I suppose I should get to know the person I've suddenly fallen for.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles enjoying your voice* *keeps sweeping and lifts up the couch and sweeps under it* Well I like music, drawing, and watching movies. *stops sweeping and thinks* I’m going to school and I graduate in October

  • Lizzie Shan

[Watches as you lift the couch as if it were as light as a feather] That's awesome. You seem like an artist to me. [Smiles, drying a dish and leaning back against the counter, watching you] You are graduation young. What are you studying?

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles and settles the couch back down gently* Graphic designer *looks at you and smirks* Like what you see beautiful?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Bites my lip lightly, nodding] Yes I do... [Pauses, shaking my head] Graphic design is some interesting stuff. I wish I could do that, but I studied psychology in college. I think the human mind is quite fantastic.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles and walks to you* *kisses your cheek* sounds Interesting *looks into your eyes wanting to hear more of your voice* can you tell me something else?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Feels distracted by your lips, grabbing another dish to keep myself busy] Well, my dad was in the military when I grew up, so I moved around a lot. My parents are divorced, and I have two younger twin sisters who live in Seattle. [Pauses, trying to think] I have a passion for dance.

  • Brady Fuller

*stands behind you* *kisses your cheek* Sounds interesting *looks at you* I am an only child but I consider my friends as my brothers and sister

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smiles, loving the way I fit into your arms] Being an only child seems lonely, but I'm sure growing up on the Reservation has blessed you with many close friends. [Smiles lightly] Do you know you feel like you have a fever? You're so warm. Not that I'm complaining, but are you feeling well?

  • Brady Fuller

*nods* I feel just fine *holds you close* Don’t worry about me I’m just overly warm *looks at you* ready for some ice cream?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Nods, not wanting to leave your arms] Ice cream sounds fantastic. Do you want to drive, or shall I?

  • Brady Fuller

*nods* I can drive but I think we would have to take your car *smiles* Seeing you are probably parked behind me

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smiles, grabbing my purse off the counter and grabbing my keys] Yes, yes I am. It will be cute to see you drive my small Mazda, seeing that you are so big. [Smirks, handing you my keys]

  • Brady Fuller

*smirks* I’m not that big *takes your keys in one hand and grabs your hand with my free one*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smirks, shaking my head] You are to me.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles* Well looks like someone needs to grow up a little more *laughs*

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smirks, shaking my head] I'm twenty four, which probably seems ancient to you. But if you're into cougars, then I guess we are all good. [smiles, walking out of the front door while you follow behind me] I'm not getting any bigger, but I have a feeling you will.

  • Brady Fuller

*smirks* Nope I think I stopped growing *follows you* *walks behind you* *keeps thinking about your lips**grabs your hand and twirls you around**press my lips to yours*

  • Lizzie Shan

[surprised at your sudden kiss, my heart skipping a beat as our lips touch, placing my hands on your chest] You're too perfect to be real. [Kisses you once more on the lips, smiling as I pull away] Let's go get some ice cream.

  • Brady Fuller

*smiles* so are you *kisses your forehead and unlocks your car*

  • Lizzie Shan

[closes my eyes for a moment, taking in the warmth of your lips on my forehead. Gets into the passenger seat, closing the door and buckling in]

  • Brady Fuller

*gets in and buckles up**places the key in the ignition* *backs up* you have everything right?

  • Lizzie Shan

[Smiles, holding your hand for a moment and squeezing it] Everything I need is right here.

  • Heading over to Twitter to get some ice cream...
  • Brady Fuller

*smiles and drives off with you to the ice cream shop with you*

  • · Brady Fuller

Heading over to twitter with the most beautiful girl in town for some yummy ice cream...

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