In the name of learning more about our new friends, please post below with your reponses to these questions:

What should we call you?
Whats your favorite kind of soda?
What kind of car do you drive?
What is the last song you listened to?
Are you a neat freak or a slob?
What's your favorite veggie?
Do you drive like a Cullen?
Who is your best friend?
What would you like to learn more about?
What was the last big purchase you made?
What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
What depresses you?
The first thing you do in the morning is?
What's your bad habit?
What do you never leave home without?
Acoustic or electric guitar?
What color is your room painted?
What's your favorite city?
Edward or Jacob?
If you had one wish, what would it be?

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well my friends call me Twilight Babi
Dr. Pepper
your a jerk by new boyz
neat feak
Reily, Niya, Shruti, Deni, and Madi
i would like to learn how to cook different things
my sweet 16 outfit
to go out wit my best was sooo weird afterward
not knowing wats going to happen
brush my teeth and wash my face
when i get mad i talk WAY too fast
my phone and some cash
red, black, and white
augusta, georgia. its my home town
to meet the twilight cast with my best friends
What should we call you? Margaret
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Dr. Pepper
What kind of car do you drive? '95 Dodge Dakota
What is the last song you listened to? "Start the Party" from Camp Rock
Are you a neat freak or a slob? Slob by necessity of how busy I am, neat freak at heart
What's your favorite veggie? Broccoli (with cheese!)
Do you drive like a Cullen? Oh yes... and I have the bumper sticker to prove it. Makes me a fast pizza delivery driver. haha
Who is your best friend? Nicole
What would you like to learn more about? How not to drop-kick annoying elementary school students as I am going to be student teaching in the fall
What was the last big purchase you made? My GPS $140. Biggest purchase: Lawnmower $2000
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? By credit card companies... for offering me a credit card at all.
What depresses you? Debt. Credit card debt. Rent debt.
The first thing you do in the morning is? Say good morning to my Trouble cat and put in my contacts
What's your bad habit? Getting on the internet and not getting off for hours.
What do you never leave home without? My cell phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic to listen to, electric to play
What color is your room painted? Cream
What's your favorite city? Montepulciano, Italy.
Edward or Jacob? Edward.
If you had one wish, what would it be? I wish I could live in Tuscany, but take all of my friends and family with me. Oh yeah, and have enough money to live comfortably.
What should we call you? Maddie please.
Whats your favorite kind of soda? I prefer milk.
What kind of car do you drive? I can't drive yet. I should be learning soon.
What is the last song you listened to? This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - The Blackout
Are you a neat freak or a slob? I'm in the middle.
What's your favorite veggie? Potatoes
Do you drive like a Cullen? If i could drive, i probably would.
Who is your best friend? I have a few. <3
What would you like to learn more about? The meaning of life. The stars. Dreams. What others think happen after we die.
What was the last big purchase you made? My iPod. It keeps me sane
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? 'If you love something, let it go.' I find it hard to let go of anything that i hold close.
What depresses you? The fact that we only have one life. I shouldn't be selfish, but it's a scary thought.
The first thing you do in the morning is? Probably try to remember last nights dream.
What's your bad habit? I tell people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.
What do you never leave home without? My phone and iPod.
Acoustic or electric guitar? I love both.
What color is your room painted? Lilac. Nice and bright.
What's your favorite city? I haven't been to many cities. I'd like to be able to see more one day.
Edward or Jacob? Thats an easy one, Edward, of course.
If you had one wish, what would it be? To be able to fulfill every dream i've ever had or to be able to do what i want and be happy. We only live once, so i think we should at least get the chance to live happy lives.
What should we call you?-What ever you like
Whats your favorite kind of soda?-coca cola
What kind of car do you drive?-a black porsche! yay for my birthday
What is the last song you listened to?-Claire de Lune
Are you a neat freak or a slob?-in between it all depends on my mood
What's your favorite veggie?-carrot
Do you drive like a Cullen?-Of course! especally in the new car
Who is your best friend?-
What would you like to learn more about?-How they make security tags
What was the last big purchase you made?-I bought a dress for $9,00
What is the worst advice you've ever been given?-Be mean and you get everything
What depresses you?-Thinking about my deseced family members
The first thing you do in the morning is?-Brush my teeth
What's your bad habit?-I shout in my sleep and slap.
What do you never leave home without?-My favorite pair of sunglasses
Acoustic or electric guitar?-acoustic but i can play electric guitar
What color is your room painted?-Orange!
What's your favorite city?-Paris
Edward or Jacob?-Oh dont make me pick!
If you had one wish, what would it be?- To never have to deal with sad and painful things
What should we call you? - Beth
Whats your favorite kind of soda? - vimto
What kind of car do you drive? - none
What is the last song you listened to? - kings of leon, use somebody
Are you a neat freak or a slob? - inbetween
What's your favorite veggie? - carrot
Do you drive like a Cullen? - nope cant drive
Who is your best friend? - Beth and Sarah i bluddi love these two
What would you like to learn more about? - everything
What was the last big purchase you made? - urmmmm...
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? - dont know
What depresses you? - rubbish music :P
The first thing you do in the morning is? - go back to sleep
What's your bad habit? - not listeing to my mum
What do you never leave home without? - ipod and phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? - both
What color is your room painted? - cream + brown
What's your favorite city?- Dubai
Edward or Jacob? - EDWARD
If you had one wish, what would it be? - not fail my exams and get a good job lol
In the name of learning more about our new friends, please post below with your reponses to these questions:

What should we call you?rena
Whats your favorite kind of soda?mt dew
What kind of car do you drive?jeep
What is the last song you listened to?i was broken-robert pattinson
Are you a neat freak or a slob?neat
What's your favorite veggie?cucumbers&tomatoes
Do you drive like a Cullen?yes
Who is your best friend?shaunda
What would you like to learn more about?poetry
What was the last big purchase you made?swimming pool
What is the worst advice you've ever been given?just let it go
What depresses you?when my kids are not happy.
The first thing you do in the morning is?coffee
What's your bad habit?smoking
What do you never leave home without?my cell
Acoustic or electric guitar?acoustic
What color is your room painted?yellow
What's your favorite city?daytona,florida
Edward or Jacob?edward
If you had one wish, what would it be? to meet him
What should we call you? Molly
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Dr. Pepper
What kind of car do you drive? Don't
What is the last song you listened to? Jacob Black
Are you a neat freak or a slob? in between,depeds on mood
What's your favorite veggie? spinich
Do you drive like a Cullen? no
Who is your best friend? Kamiwan
What would you like to learn more about? everything
What was the last big purchase you made? a poster
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? to stayawayfom theoe u loe most so u dont hurt them
What depresses you? depressed people and song
The first thing you do in the morning is? get coffee
What's your bad habit? bitting my nails
What do you never leave home without? nythingto do with Twilight
Acoustic or electric guitar? acoustic
What color is your room painted? pink
What's your favorite city? Bangor
Edward or Jacob? Edward
If you had one wish, what would it be? to be a vampire
Here go's.................

What should we call you? Julez
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Iron brew
What kind of car do you drive? Vaxhall astra........(aston martin dv9 in my dreams)
What is the last song you listened to? Paramore-Misery business
Are you a neat freak or a slob? neat
What's your favorite veggie? like them all
Do you drive like a Cullen? only on a race track.......
Who is your best friend? my other half
What would you like to learn more about? everything..... we are always learning
What was the last big purchase you made? ???
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? i tend to make my own mind up on issues
What depresses you? war
The first thing you do in the morning is? want to go back to
What's your bad habit? Talking over people-- i dont mean 2 but if i dont say what i'm thinking i forget it.
What do you never leave home without? my phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? stone... All natural colours
What's your favorite city? london
Edward or Jacob? Cant pick 1 , they're both fantastic
If you had one wish, what would it be? For everyone i love to have a happy, long healthy life.
What should we call you? Brandy or Cloud
Whats your favorite kind of soda? coke
What kind of car do you drive? buick regal
What is the last song you listened to? edwards lullaby for bella
Are you a neat freak or a slob? slob
What's your favorite veggie? cucumbers
Do you drive like a Cullen? of coarse
Who is your best friend? cybil
What would you like to learn more about? nursing
What was the last big purchase you made? plasma tv
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? trust me
What depresses you? my life right now
The first thing you do in the morning is? pee
What's your bad habit? smoking
What do you never leave home without? debit card
Acoustic or electric guitar? acoustic
What color is your room painted? red
What's your favorite city? chicago
Edward or Jacob? edward
If you had one wish, what would it be? 2 be happy
What should we call you? Vic or Vicky
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Don't drink any
What kind of car do you drive? Mini Cooper
What is the last song you listened to? Sunburn by Muse
Are you a neat freak or a slob? A little bit of both
What's your favorite veggie? I dislike all veggies
Do you drive like a Cullen? Most definately
Who is your best friend? Donna
What would you like to learn more about? Photography
What was the last big purchase you made? A house
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? Fly home to see me for $1000
What depresses you? Having passion and not being able to express it
The first thing you do in the morning is? Make a cup of tea
What's your bad habit? Blogging
What do you never leave home without? Cell Phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? Sage green
What's your favorite city? Sedgley (England)
Edward or Jacob? Edward
If you had one wish, what would it be? To be an actress ;)
What should we call you? Christina
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Coke Zero
What kind of car do you drive? Charcoal Hyundai
What is the last song you listened to? 'Where the streets have no name' - U2
Are you a neat freak or a slob? In between...okay, I'll fess... lately slob.
What's your favorite veggie? Artichoke...I know, it's stinky and weird...I just like it.
Do you drive like a Cullen? No, unless there is a slow grandma Cullen with bad vision.
Who is your best friend? Ethan
What would you like to learn more about? Chemistry or Foreign Languages.
What was the last big purchase you made? my new iPhone. Yum!
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? Dump him.
What depresses you? Spending my paycheck before it's even out. I hate bills.
The first thing you do in the morning is? Brew Coffee while checking emails, etc....
What's your bad habit? *giggles* it has to do with beans...I think it's hilarious!
What do you never leave home without? my iPhone
Acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic
What color is your room painted? Dark tan
What's your favorite city? LA
Edward or Jacob? Edward but you would never find me turning down Jacob.
If you had one wish, what would it be? To get more wishes!!!!
What should we call you? Allison, Ally whatever.
Whats your favorite kind of soda? Wild Cherry Pepsi
What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Prius
What is the last song you listened to? Everything by Lifehouse
Are you a neat freak or a slob? A little bit of both :)
What's your favorite veggie? Hmmm...carrots
Do you drive like a Cullen? sometimes...
Who is your best friend? My twin sister
What would you like to learn more about? Medicine, I'm striving to be a doctor but biochem is kicking my butt
What was the last big purchase you made? My car, bought it 6 months ago
What is the worst advice you've ever been given? To move away from my family and go to school, found out a 2 hour drive was better than a 24 hour drive.
What depresses you? My life, my husband, sad really
The first thing you do in the morning is? take the dogs out
What's your bad habit? procrastinating on my school work
What do you never leave home without? my cell phone
Acoustic or electric guitar? acoustic
What color is your room painted? white with all my collages and pictures all over
What's your favorite city? Minneapolis or else Raleigh, NC
Edward or Jacob? Definately Edward, sorry Jacob!
If you had one wish, what would it be? To find someone like Edward and live happily ever after.



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