I just joined and it seems pretty cool here. There are a lot of fun things happening! I'm excited!

Believe it or not, I only joined half an hour or so ago and I've already messed things up. I joined on my lap top which has a very tiny screen. I clicked on the chat and when it popped up, it took up to much of the screen and I can now not get out of it. I'm typing this on my family's computer (which I rarely use) because I can't get rid of the chat no matter what I do. Great forshadowing right?

I'm going to keep trying to get rid of it, but for now, it looks like I'll only be on here when I get on the family computer. Maybe I'll start getting on here more often just to get on here. Any advice on what to do about this problem would be greatly appreciated!

This has been a lot of fun! I used to have a blog and have been wanting to start it up again or just get a whole new one, but I figured no one would read it. this is just making me want to start one even more.

EDIT: Fixed the problem. Yay!

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Comment by Vicky on September 11, 2009 at 6:43pm
Hiya! Glad you were able to fix your problem. Look forward to seeing ya around!


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